American Record Guide calls it:
"primal and exuberant"
“superb and first-rate”
— Percussive Notes
“primal and exuberant”
— American Record Guide

Quey Percussion Duo (Koshinski/Broscious)
Released November 15, 2019. Innova Recordings (#1039)
This recording is a small selection of the nearly 200 works written for the duo over the past 16 years, which have been created through three large commission contests and by working directly with composers. Two of the titles represented on the recording are winning compositions from the group’s composition contests in 2005 (In the History of Man) and 2012 (Rhapsody for Vibraphone and Marimba). In addition, many works composed by duo member Gene Koshinski were written specifically for QPD, two of which are represented here on this album.
The most prominent composition is the double percussion concerto entitled, soniChroma, recorded here with full orchestra. As the title suggests, soniChroma (meaning “sound color"), is focused on creating unique sonic and instrumental combinations. This can be seen throughout the orchestra, but prominently in the large percussion solo setup which contains over 80 instruments, including skins, metals, woods, strings (guitars), non-Western instruments, and found objects. The solo parts reflect the diverse performance demands of the 21st Century percussionist, ranging from classical percussionists, drum set players, keyboard soloists, contemporary multi-percussionists, and world music performers.

Wavering World
The music of Dai Fujikura
Released July 31, 2024. Sony Records (SICX-10022)
“Daidai” for marimba solo and 3 percussionists (live recording)
Marimba solo: Eriko Daimo
Percussion: Casey Cangelosi, Gene Koshinski, Pius Cheung

ORDO | Philip Blackburn
2CD set
Released October 21, 2023. Neuma Records
“Holding an acoustic mirror up to nature.” Environmental sound artist, Philip Blackburn’s compositions are nothing short of ambitious attempts to rewild the concert hall. With the release of ORDO, selected from more than four decades of his experimental work, we can now experience his richly musical soundscape tapestries in one sitting.
At the heart of ORDO (Latin, order) lies a profound exploration of the nature of sound, from the harmonious ebb and flow of wind-powered consonance and dissonance to the intricate dialogues between acoustic and digitized worlds. Exploring counterpoint as conversation theory, and the expressive potential of acoustic phenomena, the thirteen tracks are thought-provokingly smooth as they are crunchy—constantly evolving, daringly melodic, and textured with layers that shift like the weather.

Pocket Grooves
New Music for Bassoon with Piano, Percussion and Electronics (World Premiere Recordings)
Released April 25, 2019. MSR Classics (MS1701)
"Pocket Grooves" is bassoonist Jefferson Campbell's debut solo CD. The album compiles many of the works written specifically for him that are (as he states) "musically valid, challenging for the performer, and engaging for the audience." I have had the pleasure of writing four of these works for Jeff and definitive versions of these pieces appear here on this disc. Other wonderful works on this CD are:
"Four Onomatopoeias" by Graeme Shields
"Concertino for Bassoon and Electronics" by Jess Hendricks
"Sonata for Bassoon" by Steven Moellering
"A Steamboat Lullaby" by Bruce Grainger
"Bassoon Rawk" by Brad Bombardier
"Send in the Clows" arranged by Jefferson Campbell

Assorted Pieces for Percussion, Winds & Voice
Released June 9, 2015. Centaur Records
"Currents" is a collaboration between two Minnesotan composer - Justin Henry Rubin and Gene Koshinski. This album contains a wide variety of new music for assorted winds, percussion, and voice. I'm excited to serve as both composer and performer on this disc with definitive recordings of my works "Sky Songs" and "Circuit Breaker" as well as other incredible works by Justin Rubin such as "Hard Currency" for percussion sextet.
1) Hard Currency by Justin Rubin, for percussion sextet / Gene Koshinski, marimba solo
2-4) Sky Songs by Gene Koshinski. for voice and percussion / Rachel Inselman, voice and Gene Koshinski, pecussion
5) Summer and Winter by Justin Rubin, for flute and marimba / Paula Gudmundson, flute and Tim Broscious, marimba
6) Circuit Breaker by Gene Koshinski, a concertino for percussion duo and percussion ensemble (6 players total) / Gene Koshinski and Tim Broscious, percussion soloists Jordan Holley, Jody Morgan, Doug Quance, Michael Taylor, percussion
7) Adaptive Expectations by Justin Rubin, for clarinet and vibraphone / Ted Schoen, clarinet and Tim Broscious, vibraphone
8) Aurai by Justin Rubin, for saxophone solo
Rhonda Taylor, saxophone
9-11) The armed man should be feared...and other lessons from the Renaissance, for clarinet, piano, and 2 percussion / Performed by Zeitgiest

A collection of original chamber music for percussion by Gene Koshinski
Released February 15, 2012. Equilibrium Records
Percussive Notes says:
"superb and first-rate"
(2012) is a collection of original chamber music for percussion by Gene Koshinski. This album is full of color and full of life!
1) As One, for percussion duo by Gene Koshinski with Tim Broscious, percussion
2) Together and Not, for marimba duo by Gene Koshinski with Charles Fricker, marimba
3) And So the Wind Blew..., for percussion duo by Gene Koshinski with Benjamin Toth, percussion
4) Song of the Metals, for percussion duo by Gene Koshinski with Tim Broscious, percussion
5) Dance of the Drums, for percussion duo by Gene Koshinski with Tim Broscious, percussion
6) Ceci N'est Pas Un Jouet, for two music boxes by Gene Koshinski with Michael Correa, music box
7-10) Concerto for Marimba and Choir with Percussion, for marimba soloist, 3 percussion, and choir by Gene Koshinski with Jianpeng Feng, Brett Jones, and Jeremy Craycraft, percussion, University of Minnesota Duluth Concert Chorale and University Singers
Tina Thielen-Gaffey, conductor

Gene Koshinski's debut CD, features a diverse collection of solo music for percussion.
Released February 10, 2009. Equilibrium Records
Percussive Notes says:
"Koshinski moves effortlessly
between various musical genres"
1) Frum, for multiple percussion solo by Askell Masson
2) Variations (after Viñao), for two-mallet marimba solo by Gene Koshinski
3) "Choro" from Three Americas, for percussion ensemble by Mark Duggan (all parts played by Gene Koshinski)
4) Staying the Course, for multiple percussion solo by David Macbride
5) Afternoon in March, for two-mallet marimba solo by Gene Koshinski
6) Piru Bole, for voice and world percussion instruments by John Bergamo
7) Klung, for percussion trio by David Macbride with Tim Broscious and Bill Solomon, percussion
8) Frivolity, for xylophone solo and ensemble by George Hamilton Green

Somewhere to Begin
Singer/songwriter Sara Thomsen
Released 2014
(2014) by singer/songwriter Sara Thomsen. This album documents my ongoing collaboration with a great folk musician and story teller. I serve as drummer/percussionist for the entire disc.
"Excellent songwriting and storytelling"
— The Reader
"Well-crafted, sung beautifully, and recorded immaculately"
— Duluth News Tribune

A Waltz Through the Vapor
Released 2013. Innova Recordings
(2013) is a collection of chamber music by composer Justin Henry Rubin. This recording includes my performance of Rubin's trio "Musical Specimen" - a collaboration with pianist Tracy Lipke-Perry and bassoonist Jefferson Campbell.

Winter Wanderings
Singer/songwriter Sara Thomsen
Released 2013
(2013) by singer/songwriter Sara Thomsen. This album documents my ongoing collaboration with a great folk musician and story teller. I serve as drummer/percussionist for the entire disc.
This album is an introspective wandering through the season of winter. Standing outside on a cold, dark night, looking up at the glistening stars, staring down at the sparkling snow... Heading inside in search of warmth and light, food and good cheer. It’s a time of nostalgia and reflection. Holidays sprinkle the path: Winter Solstice, Hanukkah, Christmas... Beyond the busy bustle and the wrapping hustle, we are left with a search for deeper meaning, a longing for home, for loved ones here, loved ones lost, for peace, for comfort, for wars to end, for hearts to mend. We light candles, sing songs, celebrate, mourn, dance, and somehow—deep in the dark and the cold—we wander inward, find a spark, kindle hope, and come home. (Sara Thomsen)

Compositions with Violin and other Chamber Music by Justin Henry Rubin.
MSR Classics Record Label (MS1398)
Released June 3, 2011
This disc includes my recording of Ecossaises for violin and marimba with violinist Erin Aldridge.

Justin Rubin
Innova Recordings (#738)
Released December 11, 2011
(2011) is a collection of original chamber music by Justin Rubin, which features music written for the bassoon. Many of the tracks include my performances, documenting my collaboration with both the composer and the bassoonist (Jefferson Campbell).